Monday, September 20, 2010

Two out of five black children are living in poverty - Census

By Robert "Rob" Redding Jr.

Black children are now living in poverty at higher rates despite having a black president in the White House.

While poverty numbers are high overall, surging from nearly 40 million in 2008 to almost 44 million in 2009, black poverty numbers are far worse than whites, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

An estimated 41.9 percent of young blacks are living in poverty, according to the Census.

“Simply stated, while nearly 1 in 10 white Americans are in poverty, one in four African Americans and Latinos are trapped by poverty," said Out of Poverty Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Barbara Lee. "This disparity is a national disgrace, and it is my hope that all Americans will work together to ensure that America is a land of prosperity and opportunity for all."  Poverty - Census

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