Thursday, July 8, 2010

Overview Of Black Youth's Biggest Problem

Joseph A. Bailey, II, M.D

Whereas good people "in the trenches" with these youth are doing all they can to make these youth as comfortable as possible inside their mental prisons, the next step is to replace all of these youth's "I can'ts" (which is actually "I am unwilling to...") with what it takes to get them back on the path to their Mission in life. That means replacing delusions with the Truth. And there is no "cookbook" way to do this. But Management is simultaneously required--i.e. the nourishing of and the caring about these youth's entire Selfhood—with the intention and actuality of them getting a little better every day in activities of daily living-- e.g. how to properly make, save, and use money; how to cultivate the thriving parts of their Rational Brains instead of settling with the status quo and "making do" with whatever crumbs they can find; and how to switch from Emotional Energy to Spiritual Energy. Ref: Bailey, Word Stories Surrounding African American Slavery; Bailey, Word Stories Originated by Ancient Africans.  Read more...

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