Tuesday, November 9, 2010

12 Keys to Success (for your Child)

Below are some of the main key to being successful (They are not in any particular orders).

1. Optimism. Think positive, negative thoughts yield negative results.
2. Faith. Believe in yourself, your vision and that your God will back you.
3. Planning. Know what’s important each day; set your priorities accordingly.  Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail.
4. Determination. Have the courage to stand alone when taking the big risks in life.
5. Vision. Think big, see beyond the present reality, keep success in your mind.  Where this is no Vision the people shall perish – Bible.
6. Attitude Is everything, If you think you can’t, you’re right. Winners have positive attitudes.
7. Goals. Set goals. Plan how to achieve them.
8. Perseverance. Try and try again until the goal is achieved. Never give up. Understand: Learning comes form failing. A loser is not one who comes in last, but one who gives up and never reaches the goal.
9. Knowledge. Water seek it’s own level; If you want to be successful surround your self with: information, people & an environment that caters to your Vision.
10. Purpose. Choose work you like and enjoy doing. Accept your own and be yourself.  You do you.
11. Pray & Meditation.  Pray & Meditation programs and reinforces the minds, body and soul to accomplish your desires.  Prayer aligns forces within, while meditation aligns forces in your surroundings.  You are what you think.
12. Cause & Effect. What you sow you will reap, you only get out of life what you put in, and every deed has a consequence.  Integrity, Morality and Character are the key to true success.

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