Saturday, November 27, 2010

Warning Parents of Teens: K2 Incense Not Labeled Smoking Product

 Kelly Pfeiffer

Many teens are not aware that Spice and K2 incense is not labeled for human consumption. Parents of teens need to caution kids about possible side effects.

Parents of teens need to put smoking Spice and K2 incense, also known as "fake weed" on their list of topics to discuss with their adolescent children. Teenagers need education about the dangers and side effects of smoking a product that is legally sold in head shops and even local convenience stores. But teens need to know that the product is not being used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Read more…

1 comment:

  1. Organic incenses, K2 or weed for my own perspective was eye-catching any other aspects such instead on illegal therapy and keep no cost on any therapy tests buy I would say that do not abused any organic incenses and keep safe from any awesome results. Source:



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