Saturday, March 19, 2011

Flossing your teeth could save you from a stroke


Flossing may be a bore but this kind of fastidious teeth-cleaning might be a lifesaver

Tooth loss increases the risk of a stroke many years later, according to a new Japanese study, and underlying gum disease may be to blame.

Researchers have calculated that those with fewer than 24 of their own teeth (adults should have 32) are 60 per cent more likely to suffer a stroke.

Mail Online

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, when you think about it, all that food stuck between your teeth can generate a TON of bacteria. Aside from bad breath, the bacteria also enters your body, which is gross when you think about it. Anyway, it's best to follow the advice of dentists to their patients: floss!

    -Marvin Will



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