Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Protect our children - Teach them how to avoid the onslaught of STD vaccinations

The first step is to have your child write a waiver exempting him or her from all STD vaccinations and place it in his/her school file. As young as twelve, children have the authority to grant permission or to decline STD vaccinations. In the waiver, or letter, the child should make it clear that he or she is not to be pulled out of any classes for STD vaccination lectures or the administration of STD vaccinations. Parents can also write and sign a separate letter to be placed in the file stating that they are aware of their child's request and expect it to be followed, as AB 499 legally gives their child the right to decline STD vaccinations. These letters should be written by both sexes since Big Pharma intends to profit from boys as well. Furthermore, an updated letter should be written every new school year to ensure that the nurse is aware of your child's feelings and legal stance.  read more...


  1. As a scientist, science communicator, and youth advocate I strongly encourage parents to seriously consider such vaccinations for thier children - boys and girls. I certainly understand your concern about big pharma - it is a real issue, but risk of HPV infection is real and the threat from such STDs.

    There are several strains of Human Papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer, penile cancer and genital warts are lifelong viruses. The virus is ubiquitous. Most adults (age 25 and older) test positve for at least one type of HPV. Most women learn they are positive for HPV when they learn that a recent pap smear test came back as irregular or they have pre cancerous cervical cells.
    It's scary. I dislike the move get youngsters 12 or younger to get vaccinated, BUT the vaccination is only effective before having unprotected sex. Therefor the move to vaccinate such young ages is just an attempt to reach young people when they are still likely to be sexually (vaginal, oral and anal) inactive. And regretably the average age of 1st sexual experience (for girls) has lowered to as low as 13 and 14.

    If parents and students do opt to forgo the vaccination, I certainly hope as much energy is spent educating them on the importance of delaying sexual activity (all versions of sex) and having protected sex when they are finally ready (and mature enough) for sex.

  2. Your argument is well stated, especially the last paragraph. It is a shame that young people have to get a shot in the arm to protest them against what a moral society would protect them against in the first place.

    The side effects of the vaccines are still not fully known and I am not talking about the so-called conspiracy theories, I talking about the long range affects. What affect will the vaccine have on preceding generations? Will those affects even be associated with the HPV vaccine?

    Parents are put in an difficult position, one that has to be weighed carefully. Once again, that decision would not be so difficult if the society was Family oriented and not profit driven.



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